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Whatever your vehicle type or driving conditions, there’s a Purolator filter engineered to give you premium protection. You can easily search our Online Catalog to find the right filter product for you. 

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PurolatorTECH™ 2020 Catalog Now Available

Raleigh, NC – October 29, 2019 – Purolator has announced the launch of the PurolatorTECH™ 2020 catalog featuring the company's full line of filtration solutions for commercial shops.

Designed for automotive technicians and counter professionals, the PurolatorTECH 2020 catalog contains all applications from 2000 to new model year vehicles including more than 50 new oil, air and cabin air filters. The catalog is searchable by vehicle year, make and model – making it quick and easy to find appropriate filter options.

"The applications covered in the PurolatorTECH 2020 catalog represent more than 240 million passenger cars and light trucks on the road today," said Tina Davis, senior marketing manager of brand and communications at MANN+HUMMEL Purolator Filters LLC. "Our broad, ever-expanding coverage of oil, air and cabin air filters incorporates the latest filtration technology at a competitive price while meeting or exceeding performance requirements set by original equipment manufacturers."

The 701-page catalog provides a comprehensive listing of filters available for markets in the United States, Canada and Mexico. A buyer’s guide, competitive interchange and hotline directory make the catalog a one-stop resource to stock and sell Purolator filters.

digital copy of the catalog is available online. Both print and digital versions of the PurolatorTECH 2020 catalog are available in English, Spanish and French. To order a printed copy, contact your Purolator sales representative at 1-800-526-4250.



PurolatorTECH™ 2020 Catalog Now Available