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Purolator Oil Filters


Ideal for normal driving conditions, the classic line of Purolator Oil Filters continue to be trusted as a top-rated oil filter for engine protection.

Purolator Oil Filters


Purolator® Oil Filters are engineered to provide original factory performance for up to 10,000 miles of engine protection. It's ideal for all oil types and made for routine driving conditions. Purolator is constructed with Multi-Fiber High-Density media to provide up to 96.5% Dirt Removal Power keeping your engine running smoothly.*

Inside a Better Filter

Purolator Oil Filters are engineered to meet original factory performance for most vehicles. Ideal for normal driving conditions and oil change requirements, Purolator's rugged internal construction provides proven filtration performance and protects engines up to 10,000 miles. And with 96.5% Dirt Removal Power™, you can count on Purolator to protect just about every passenger car and light truck on the road today.




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*Based on ISO 4548-12 at 20 microns on L30001