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Whatever your vehicle type or driving conditions, there’s a Purolator filter engineered to give you premium protection. You can easily search our Online Catalog to find the right filter product for you. 

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Purolator Air Filters


Protect your vehicle by replacing your air filter with a Purolator Air Filter for premium air filtration.

Purolator Air Filters


Keeps up to 96.5% of damaging dirt, soot and debris out of your engine – and provides enhanced engine airflow for superior performance*. Multi-fiber, high-density media traps more debris than economy filters. Rely on Purolator® Air Filters to meet OE performance requirements. Replace annually or as specified by vehicle owner’s manual. 

Inside a Better Air Filter

  1. Enhanced Engine Airflow – for superior performance
  2. Multi-Fiber High-Density Media – traps more debris than economy filters


You Found What in My Engine?

Would you believe it if a mechanic told you he found a wig in your engine? What about an oven mitt? We ask these questions and more during our hidden camera shoot at a local auto repair shop to make sure nothing gets by our customers.

Tips on Changing Your Air Filter

Changing your engine air filter can help increase gas mileage, acceleration and the overall efficiency of your engine. In this video we show you each step of an air filter replacement and explain how a new filter can help prevent dirt, sand and other road debris from damaging your engine.


PurolatorDIY Mobile App

Download our app to find and install our full line of air, cabin air and oil filters.


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* Based on ISO 5011 on A24278